Binge Drinking

Binge Drinking

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Alcohol Abuse Risk Factors

Early Risk Factors for Binge Drinking in College
Beginning in early childhood, there exist certain factors that pose a risk of early onset drinking in adolescence.  Many of these factors begin to appear or are already in existence in pre-adolescence years.  For example, some of the following behaviors, usually evident by pre-elementary school years, can be red flags for alcohol and binge drinking problems later in life: 
  • ·      Anti-social behavior and shyness
  • ·      Tendencies towards depression
  • ·      Self-control and anger issues

 Many of these very basic social issues can lead to an increased tendency for alcohol abuse in early adolescent years.  These behaviors can be caused by a number of different factors ranging from genetics, to family interactions, to peer influences.   From a sociological perspective, we know that correlation does not necessarily imply causation.  This is important to consider when attempting to define the root causes of alcohol abuse in adolescents and college students.  The reason for this being that typically many factors are directly or indirectly involved with a child’s development as it relates to abusive tendencies, and one factor may not be the direct cause of one behavior.  With this in mind, some factors that have been known to cause alcohol abuse and binge drinking include: 
  • ·      Depressive or anti-social behaviors in parents or relatives
  • ·      Alcohol abuse in close family members
  •     Violent home / family environment
  • ·      Increased importance on peer relationships (with peers who drink)
  • ·      Environmental pressures
  • ·      Genetic history of alcohol abuse
  • ·      Brain development in adolescence that hinders decision making

 Some of these factors lead to very early alcohol experimentation in adolescents which often times directly leads to more abusive alcoholic tendencies in college.  It is important to understand some of the possible causes of binge drinking in order best facilitate its regulation.

National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

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