Binge Drinking

Binge Drinking

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Why Does Binge Drinking Happen?

College drinking is prevalent among students for various reasons. Many of the college students had begun drinking even before they enrolled in college, which creates a drinking habit.  Teenage colleges students are more likely to binge drink rather than have a couple of drinks due to the pressures of the party scene.  Almost all the colleges are in cities, which then lead to an increase in advertisements that target college students, who are in fact mostly all underage, and link them to parties, sporting events, and any other activity which may involve drinking alcohol.  Alcohol is easily available to students.  It is sold in plenty of establishments near college campuses including gas stations, liquor stores, big market stores, etc.  The cheap prices of many of these drinks also make them readily available to struggling college students.

You may ask yourself, how is it that all these students are still buying alcoholic drinks while being underage? All 50 states clearly require a person to be over 21 to buy alcohol. These college students may have friends that are over 21,  do beer runs which involve them stealing beer, or the most famous one, having a fake I.D. All these college parties or even a street with bars can lead to peer pressure which in most cases causes someone to binge drink. Although these college students think they’re “mature” they are still adolescents and as such, want to fit in with all their different groups of peers. It is obvious that people are more likely to drink in excess at a party rather than being alone.

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