Binge Drinking

Binge Drinking

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Symbolic Interactionism And Inner Self

Symbolic Interactionalism – A society is created through interactions, values, and behaviors of individuals with others around them. In this situation, this society of college students bring life to the party by behaving in such manners, depending on their values, and all their interactions with one another which may include: drinking with each other, playing drinking games together, behaving drunk and careless. This is the basic idea of symbolic interactionalism when it comes to college drinking.

Inner self – To be a “self” wherever you are you need to be part of a community, or a group, or even part of a party when it comes to college drinking. You might go to a party thinking like an “I,” how you perceive your inner self; this includes your style, your mood, and your feelings. Once at a party you might perceive yourself as a “Me” which includes the ways you perceive yourself towards others, or how you present yourself. Many college students might present themselves as being down to drink and have a good time, because that is what happens at a party. These people skip the “pre play” and go directly to the “play” where they’re actually drinking, and then this attracts the “game part” where there are many players (college students) who are drinking as well. This creates a drinking self in a drinking community. 

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